Debt, debt, debt, the problem is debt.

Oct 7th, 2011 | By | Category: The Lightning Strike

The world is in turmoil, the Euro in crises, and now the heathen masses are occupying Wall street and demanding change. But what kind of change to demand? What to do to alleviate the suffering? How to fix the current crises? Well, first step is to figure out what the problem is, and that’s easy.

The world is in turmoil, the Euro in crises, and now the heathen masses are occupying Wall street and demanding change.

But what kind of change to demand?

And how to fix the current crises?

Well, as much as Wall street pundits and economic gurus might like to talk about stimulants, competition, austerity, and all that jazz, it really all comes down to a single issue of debt. The global economy is designed around the extraction and accumulation of labour power, and that extraction has reached  terminally toxic, and crises proportions. The core logic has run its inevitable course and now no amount of poking, prodding, or “stimulation” will solve the problem

Not to worry, though. The solution is easy to conceptualize and its implementation is not outside the boundaries of reason and logic. We can solve the problem instantly and with a potentially utopian outcome by releasing accumulated labour power.

Does this sound mysterious and esoteric?

Does this sound like something only a PhD in economics can understand?

Not at all.

Strip away all economic EPMO and intellectual garble and it is really quite simple and easy to understand.

You can buy the book and join the discussion.

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