
RSSArchive for November, 2012

There is a tragic chink in Walmart’s “populist” armor. While there is no doubt that Walmart loves to deliver severely discounted products to its customers, in order to maximize discounts, Walmart is infamously stingy with its employees. Actually, stingy is too generous a term: when it comes to caring for its employees, Walmart is like Ebeneezer Scrooge on steroids.

Thanksgiving at Walmart: Strikers Plan a Nationwide Celebration for Black Friday

Ah, Black Friday. It’s typically the biggest shopping day of the year and, for that reason, the happiest date on the calendar for retailers. On Black Friday, retailers who have been languishing in the red can count on raking in a whole lot of black. Profits galore! As usual, Walmart, the world’s largest and most [...]

Albert Einstein was one of the brainiest people who ever lived. Yet, smart as he was, when it came to quantum physics, Einstein forgot the first rule of science: a scientist's personal convictions are secondary to the truths that facts reveal.

God’s Loaded Dice: Einstein and the Death of Classical Reality

There is a crucial distinction between explanatory systems that are based upon fate vs. prediction. Both perspectives purport to shed light upon the course of future events, however, fate is based upon a faith in metaphysics whereas prediction is scientific. Determinism represents a branch of metaphysics primarily because determinists claim to know more about the [...]

Determinists explain everything that occurs in the universe as an outcome of an infallible master narrative: if an apple falls from a tree, or a star explodes in the Andromeda Galaxy, then determinists will insist that those events transpired precisely how and when they did because an insuperable chain of causality preordained each outcome. The magic of this type of deductive thinking--which, once again, is predicated on a dogmatic allegiance to an "infallible" master narrative--is that it can be used to explain anything and everything. However, as Karl Popper articulated so convincingly, deductive theories that purport to explain everything in fact succeed in explaining nothing scientifically.

Elementary My Dear Watson! The Beauty (and Baloney) of Being Right about Everything

Fate is the most potent weapon in a the arsenal of determinists like Stephen Hawking. To contend, as determinists plainly do, that the outcomes of events are pre-determined is essentially the same as saying that the ebbs and flows of history are all dictated by fate. Actors, whether animate or inanimate, have no control over [...]

Women @ Work

Women @ Work

Women @ work? Progress has been made, but more work needs to be done. Women still fall short in top level CEO positions and are conspicuously absent in certain industries (like the tech industry). Why is this? And what obstacles do women still face when entering and thriving in the workplace? Women are still the primary caregivers of the children. Women still take more time off than men. Women are still seen through the blinkered vision of a gendered world.

Frankenstein underestimated the threat that was posed by the monster he had created. Ray Kurzweil believes that AI - or "Frankentelligence" - will be humanity's greatest achievement. I think it is fair to say that Kurzweil's perspective is distorted by the same blind spot that clouded Dr. Frankenstein's thinking.

It’s Alive!! Ray Kurzweil, AI, and Frankentelligence

If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Morpheus in The Matrix. Ray Kurzweil is obsessed with artificial intelligence (AI). Kurzweil has written a series of bestselling books–most recently How to Create a Mind–in which he advances the argument that machine intelligence [...]

Demographics in the US are changing. America's privileged white majority no longer rules the roost. Though it has been a shock, the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections have demonstrated that new coalitions of previously marginal political players have found a way to nudge privileges white guys aside, while blazing new political trails into the future. Ah, democracy. It's been a long time in coming.

Sweet Revenge: Barack Obama and the Death of White Republican Privilege

As Republicans conduct an autopsy of the 2012 election they’ll need to acknowledge that their particular brand of vanilla–rich, white, and well-aged–is no longer a recipe for electoral success. No doubt, this will be a tough pill to swallow. After all, bigotry, greed and xenophobia have always been a sure fire recipe for success in [...]

Morality is a tricky concept to define. Generally speaking, morality is relative and it is contingent upon the norms and values that are embraced by a majority of the population at a particular moment in history. As times and people change, so does morality. For example, the ancient Romans used to consider feeding Christians to hungry lions a pleasurable pastime. Also, following its inception, the moral climate in the US had no compunctions against treating Africans like slaves, women like pieces of property, indigenous peoples like vermin, and gays (or, members of the GLBT community) as deranged criminals.

Queers Need Not Apply: The Boy Scouts of Amerika Continue to Disappoint

Boy Scout Oath (or Promise)* On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.   Morally straight. Wow. In other words, queers need not apply. [...]

You reap what you sow. The Demise of the Joe Paterno Cult at Penn State.

False Gods and Monsters: The Terrible Costs of the Joe Paterno Cult at Penn State

On Sunday, July 22, 2012, Penn State University removed the statue that the university had erected in Joe Paterno’s honor at Beaver Stadium. In removing the statue, the university has made an emphatic statement: Penn State University no longer wishes to commemorate its disgraced football coach How could Joe Paterno, a man who had been [...]

Stephen Hawking, the arch-determinist.

Many Worlds, but only One Reality: Stephen Hawking and the Determinist Fallacy

One can hardly broach the subject of agency without acknowledging the long-standing and unresolved philosophical debate regarding the agency vs. determination dichotomy. To provide an illustration of the extent of disagreement over this dualism, determinists, such as Stephen Hawking have argued that agency and free will are nothing but an illusion: …the molecular basis of [...]

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