RSSArchive for October, 2012

Romney is criticizing Obama for all the wrong reasons. Greedy rich dudes like to claim that they are entirely responsible for all of their own success. Apparently these guys don't drive on public roads, their communities and business aren't protected by the police, their security is not ensured by the military, etc. etc.

It Takes a Village Idiot: Romney’s Artful Distortion of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Quote

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that [...]

Pussy Riot had the audacity to criticize Vladimir Putin. I suppose they should feel lucky that they are still alive. Still, it seems somewhat excessive in a "modern democracy" for citizens to be jailed for doing nothing more than freely speaking their minds. What are international observers left to think? Does this mean that Putin's Russia might not be a democratic panacea? Heaven forfend!

Putin’s Pussy Problem: From America with Love

On Friday, August 17, three female members of the band, Pussy Riot, were sentenced to two years in prison for staging a piece of political theater. In February, 2012, The Pussy Rioteers had–if you will pardon the expression–the balls to perform a song containing an anti-Vladimir Putin message (see the entire lyric below) at the [...]

Sam Bacile's idiotic film, The Innocence of Muslims, sparked Muslim outrage all over the world. Unfortunately, that is precisely what Sam Bacile hoped to accomplish with his pathetic media stunt.

The Innocence of Muslims: Sam “The Imbecile” Bacile, Religious Freedom and Free Speech

Let’s begin by making it clear that Sam Bacile’s “film,” The Innocence of Muslims, is a piece of crap. The film is embarrassingly terrible. Imagine the worst Saturday Night Live sketch that you have ever seen and then multiply it by 100. Everything about the film is distressingly awful: the script, the make-up, costumes, editing, [...]

In the 1990s, IBM's Deep Blue gained the notoriety of defeating Garry Kasparov, the reigning world champion, in a chess match. Remarkable as this feat may have been, Deep Blue could not be described as an "artificially intelligent" computer. In 1950, Alan Turing stated that computers would not achieve AI until they were capable of fooling interactants into believing that the computers were in fact human. IBM's Watson represents the next great leap in the quest for AI. Yet, spectacular as Watson's computing capabilities may be, Watson still flunk the Turing Test 100 times out of 100.

Artificial Intelligence: Is Watson the Real Thing?  

Artificial intelligence represents a threshold in computing that will transform machines into human-like intellectual entities. In a world grown used to rapid technological progress, it hardly stretches the imagination to contemplate next-generation computers that are substantially smaller and more powerful than their predecessors. However, the goal of transforming computers into sentient beings is an entirely different matter.

Time Surfers: Problem-Solving as the Path to a Better, Brighter, but Unpredictable Future

Time Surfers: Problem-Solving as the Path to a Better, Brighter, but Unpredictable Future

What does the future hold? Though many have argued that humans are inevitably going to destroy themselves, McGettigan argues that this is no such thing as Fate. The future, McGettigan argues, is not pre-determined, and the crises that threaten to destroy humanity (overpopulation, pollution, global warming, pandemic, nuclear armageddon, etc.) should instead be perceived as opportunities. Humans will continue to thrive so long as they approach crises as invaluable opportunities to elevate their thinking.

Teenage suicide, Amanda Todd, and new communication technoloy

Teenage suicide, Amanda Todd, and new communication technoloy

A brave new world has emerged for our children. Whereas once bullying was confined to the school yard, or the back hall, now bullying penetrates into every aspect of their life space. At night, alone, in their bedroom, surrounded by family, our children have become targets, and victims. What are we going to do and who are we going to turn to? As Nat King Cole once sang, “Straighten out and fly right…”

Ward Churchill, the AAUP, and Academic Freedom

Ward Churchill, the AAUP, and Academic Freedom

There is no doubt that being a university professor is a privilege, and certainly protected speech is one of them. Not always, but sometimes, university researchers say things that other people don’t like. Tobacco is addictive, cell phones might cause brain cancer, and class warfare wages on. Some people might not like us to say these things, like the Tobacco lobby for example, or the uber rich people who control the world, but society and democracy benefits from open intellectual criticism and debate. It is why the right to free speech was enshrined in the first place. We need to stand up for our right to speak without censure, without reprisal, and without fear. In the age of an open Internet society, anything else seems medieval, backwards, and just plain wrong.