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There’s something wrong in the world today, and Sociologists know what it is. From the School of the America’s (website, Wikipedia) to the increasing gap between rich and poor, to the colonial wars of violent conquest conducted in the name of freedom, but really about power and greed, things just don’t look good. So what are you going to do, and where are we to go from here? Violence is never the solution but knowledge is power, so read, study, discover, take a sociology class, and get yourself some knowledge.

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Jun 20, 2012 | Comments 0

Got your attention? Good. Feminists have long challenged men to treat women with respect, and to acknowledge their “sins.” But now, feminists themselves face a challenge. Men might be part of the problem, but women play a role as well. In fact, their role in creating the world “as it is” is just as significant, and just as worthy of critical analysis, as the roles (father, warrior, ruler) that men have played. The only question is, will we face the part we played, take responsibility for the damage, and change what we’ve done. Or will it be business as usual once again.

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Jun 19, 2012 | Comments 5

What is creativity? How does one become creative? Turns out, nobody knows. Or at least that is the conclusion of Dr. Monika Reuter who, after thousands of hours of research, throws up her hands in frustration at the lack of theory and explanation. Should we give up? No. But if yo uask me, if we want to understand creativity then what we need is a revolution in how we understand the nature of our reality, our existence, and ourselves.

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Jun 11, 2012 | Comments 7

Unlike a lot of people out there, I am one to say I TOLD YA SO. The current growth in inequality, the current “mess” in the global financial system, the weird political machinations that seem to directly contradict the principles upon which modern democracies were founded, these were all predicted decades ago by Sociologists. So what are you going to do? Well, read this article, but slowly. There’s a lot of enlightening Sociology in this article. If it gets a little thick, pop on over to the forums and ask Owen a question.

Dr. Owen Brown | Jun 07, 2012 | Comments 1

Visualization and imagination create the world. Or, as Dr. Tim says, reality starts with fantasy. Or, as I like to say, as above in consciousness, so below in matter. No where is this more clear than in the area of science fiction where reality consistently lags behind fantasy only by a half century or so.

Timothy McGettigan | May 22, 2012 | Comments 0

There’s something wrong in the world today, and Sociologists know what it is. We live in a system that privileges cash value over everything else. If you can’t lay a dollar value, and if you can’t generate profit, it is worthless in the eyes of the system. That might be a great way to pursue personal enrichment, but it sucks as a way to live healthy, environmentally sound, happy lives. It’s time to consider some alternatives, don’t ya think?

Anna Brix Thomsen | Apr 04, 2012 | Comments 0

Freedom of speech? Its a thorny topic. Do people have the right to be hateful, misinformed, even misogynist? Does free speech include allowing emotional and psychologies bullies, like Rush Limbaugh, to use the airwaves for name calling? In the United States it is free speech uber alles, but other countries have different perspectives. In Canada you can’t engage in hate speech, just like you can’t punch people in the face. Whatever your position, however you think about it, Rush certainly is a magnet for controversy.

Timothy McGettigan | Mar 22, 2012 | Comments 0 your-a-loser-150x150-8901800

You never stop to think that sending your kids to school can be a problem, but it can be. From the residential schools of First Nations infamy to the violence of straps and the horror of school yard bullying, schools are not always safe places. The truth is, children can experience physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse at the hands of students, teachers, priests. ministers, reverends, etc.. The research demonstrates that abuse of all forms undermines self esteem, lowers social productivity, causes depression, and contributes to long term social problems. Isn’t it time we recognized the horror and stopped hurting our children?

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Mar 02, 2012 | Comments 21

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me…

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Feb 23, 2012 | Comments 0

When it comes to family, do we have a problem?According to Anna we do and I gotta agree with her because in a lot of ways she’s right. As a therapist I have seen first hand how “families” shit on and abuse each other and it ain’t pretty and what’s worse, the abuse is always justified. Even sexual abuse of four year old children can be conveniently ignored when it occurs in a “family” setting. On top of all that, children are programmed into The System by their parents. But does all this mean family is necessarily a bad thing? No, not necessarily. Personally I think family is the best bet we have of surviving, and tight knit, functioning families are pretty much the only way of meeting the deep emotional and psychological needs of children. But that holds only when the family is healthy, only when all members have equal power, only when all members are respected, and only when all members are one hundred percent free of emotional, psychological, sexual, and physical abuse. If these conditions are not met then ya, there’s a problem.

Anna Brix Thomsen | Feb 20, 2012 | Comments 4