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Tag Archives: money

Falling dominoes


What's going on with the world? It has been only eight years since the last global financial crises, but here we go again. They (the crises) are coming faster and faster. It's not going to be too long before recovery is no longer possible. Time to wake up and smell the coffee, or go down with the sinking ship.

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What is Money?

Money hole

Why is the world in such financial crises? Why is Greece on the brink? Why is the stock market tanking? Why is oil going south? Why is Trump on the rise? WTF is going on? The answers you seek lie directly before you. In this accessible introduction to globalized finance and accumulation, Dr. Sharp takes you on a sociologically sophisticated trip to the source of our problems and the root of all "evil" - accumulation and the love of money that drives it forward. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to finally put the pieces together.

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A Turn to Hegel

Dollars funnel.

What is money? What is the nature of money? This is a problem that has occupied Sociologists since Karl Marx wrote his magnum opus, Das Kapital. If you go by Karl M's massive, or by any of the many Economics 100 texts (which often don't even bother to define money), money is a mystified, magical thing that requires incredible effort to understand. In reality though that's not the case. Money is simply abstracted labour, pure and simple. Once you understand that, then you have the key to understanding the whole of modern society, including the pernicious problems we all face, problems caused by the easy way money allows us to accumulate labour.

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Academic Education – A Waste of Space, Mind, Money and Time?

Academic communities and higher learning facilities like universities are the places where great knowledge is born and passed on with the purpose of ‘enlightening’ our societies for the better. Or is it? Aren't academies and universities about socialization into The System and indoctrination into ideas that support hierarchy, exclusion, etc. According to Anna Brix Thomsen, its both. Universities are useful and do make a [technological] improvement in things, but usually only for the primary benefit of the elite. Trickle down benefits there may be, but its ultimately about maintaining the status quo and further enriching those who are already with privilege.

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